Last modified on March 7, 2024


Legislative basis for CCAM testing

Legal basis for testing: Article 106 paragraph 5 of Road Traffic Act:

  1. German version
  2. French version
  3. Italian version
  4. Romansch version

Contact information:

There is a coordinator in charge of automated driving trials in Switzerland.

Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications DETEC, Federal Roads Office, Road Networks Division Section, Traffic and Innovation Management Group, Intelligent Mobility.

Postal address: 3003 Berne

Location: Pulverstrasse 13, 3063 Ittigen

Phone: +41 58 464 60 73

Fax: +41 58 463 23 03

Mail :

Application Requirements

There is no template for an application as every pilot is different.

The FEDRO website contains information about the topicincluding a fact sheet for conducting a pilot test in Switzerland.

Entities allowed to apply to the exemption:

Applicable law (art. 106 par. 5 SVG) as well as revised SVG (art. 25h rev. SVG) does not specify any restrictions. Anyone who fulfils the criteria can carry out a pilot test on public roads.

List of requirements:

  • Completed application form.
  • Insurance for vehicle
  • Registration of the vehicle
  • Description of the modifications to the test vehicle (if based on type-approved vehicle)
  • Description of the automated driving function, which is intended to be tested.
  • Conducted risk assessment/ analysis geared towards the pilot test and must comprehensively illuminate the risks (vehicle skills, traffic situation, environment, road users, etc.).
  • Confirmation of / information to road operator
  • Training concept for staff
  • Concept for the handling of emergencies
  • Communication concept
  • Data protection concept, depending on the trial constellation.
  • Consent of all road owners affected by the trial. Registration possible with granted test authorisation.

Responsible for the safety validation: Public Authority.

Average handling time for the process: The processing time depends on the pilot test idea.

Application fee: 1500-2500€

 Is a test permit issued by another country accepted? Not accepted.

Conditions for Testing

Vehicle categories: No limitations

SAE levels: Only up to SAE level 4

ADAS / AD systems: No limitations (As long as they do not require SAE level 5)

Use-Cases: No limitations

Geographical areas: No limitations

Permit validity: 1 to 3 years

Other conditions:

  • The revised SVG requires that road safety must be always guaranteed (Art. 25h Para. 2). Depending on the existing risk situation (vehicle capabilities, traffic situation, etc.), this legal requirement then results in restrictions and conditions for the pilot test.

Driver Requirements

Safety driver: The law does not require a safety driver, but that traffic safety and traffic flow are ensured. Depending on the traffic situation, the test arrangement and above all the technical maturity of the test vehicles, there are different risks that must be mitigated to the maximum. In most cases, therefore, a safety driver or safety attendant is required in or near the vehicle.

Remote operation with no safety driver inside or in sight of the vehicle: It is permitted for testing.

Data Requirements

Black box needed: Required.

Obligation to report to authority during/after CCAM tests: The pilot trials must submit an interim report every 6 months. Special events must be reported to FEDRO immediately. A final report must be submitted 6 months after completion of the pilot trial. Interim reports and final reports are published on the FEDRO website and are thus accessible to the public.

Test reports availability to the public: Yes.

Obligation to report to authority in case of accident: Yes.

Any other supervision / monitoring performed by the authority: No

National database for storing reports provided: Yes, here.

Requirements on disclosing data during/after tests: The pilot test organization is obliged to make all data available to FEDRO if FEDRO requires it.

Data exchange mechanism specified: Not specified.

Test vehicle needs to be connected and / or cooperative during test: Not existing.


Testing facilities on public roads: Non-existent.

Testing facilities on private areas: Non-existent.

Cross-border CCAM Testing

There is not cross border acceptance of permissions and currently there is any ongoing cross border CCAM test project, there are plans to do cross border cooperation from authorities.

Supportive Documents

  • FEDRO website. Intelligent Mobility

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