Last modified on July 1, 2024


Legislative basis for CCAM testing

Legal basis for testing:

Contact information:

  • Experimentation under DM70/2018:

Ministry of infrastructures and transportation

  • Experimentation under Law Decree 76/2020

The Smart Road Decree of the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport authorizes the testing of autonomous vehicles on the Italian roads and foresees the gradual implementation in the Italian Road Network of smart roads, considered the best environment for automated driving.


Application Requirements

Application form should be made in a digital way and can be found here. In the Ministry’s webpage also a document describing the application procedure.

Entities allowed to apply to the exemption: Manufacturer of the vehicle equipped with technologies for automated driving and also universities, public entities and private research organizations.

List of requirements:

  • Completed application form.
  • Insurance for vehicle.
  • Registration of the vehicle.
  • Description of the modifications to the test vehicle (if based on type-approved vehicle).
  • Description of the automated driving function, which is intended to be tested.
  • Conducted risk assessment/ analysis of the risks associated with the use of the vehicle in automated driving mode in road traffic. The description of the countermeasures adopted and the safety plans for the experimentation is required.
  • Confirmation of / information to road operator.
  • Documentation of successful pre-tests on proving ground.
  • Performing a successful pre-testing phase on public roads with no passengers.
  • The declaration, proven by the necessary documentation attached to the application, need also to contain every requirement specified at art.11 of DM70/2018.

Responsible for the safety validation: Public Authority (Ministry of infrastructures and transportation)

Average handling time for the process: 3 Months.

Application fee: No.

Conditions for Testing

Vehicle categories: No limitations.

SAE levels: No limitations.

ADAS / AD systems: No limitations.

Use-Cases: If experimentation is conducted on the DM70/2018 basis, the vehicle must be compliant to the EU requirements for approval and a supervisor is needed on board during testing sessions, while if based on Law Decree 76/2020 there aren’t specific limitations.

Geographical areas: No limitations.

Permit validity: 1 Year.

Driver Requirements

Safety driver: Yes, always required.

Remote operation with no safety driver inside or in sight of the vehicle: Allowed.

Data Requirements

Black box needed: Yes, mandatory.

Obligation to report to authority during/after CCAM tests: Yes, a brief reporting every 3 months and annual report at the end of the experimentation period released.

Test reports availability to the public: Not available.

Obligation to report to authority in case of accident: Yes, the test conductor must inform authority for every accident occurred.

Requirements on data recording: Yes, defined list of data to be recorded continuously. In addition, general data must be recorded in case of an incident/accident.

Requirements on disclosing data during/after tests: No requirements.

Data exchange mechanism specified: Not specified.

Test vehicle needs to be connected and / or cooperative during test: Not mandatory.


Testing facilities on public roads:

  • Strada statale 51 “di Alemagna”.

Testing facilities on private areas: Many based on conventions.


Cross-border CCAM Testing

C Roads Italy is a cross-border project that is currently on-going.


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