Last modified on July 1, 2024

Czech Republic

Legislative basis for CCAM testing

Contact information:

Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic:

nábř. L. Svobody 1222, 110 00 Nové Město, Chequia

Tel.: +420 225 131 111


There is not specific regulation for testing automated vehicles. Current legislation in Czech Republic does not distinguish between automated and connected vehicles and vehicles. Current legislation is: 56/2001 (conditions for operating vehicles on roads) and 361/2000 (road transport operations law).

Application Requirements

The application form is in digital format and is contained in the page of the Ministry.

No document describing the application procedure defined.

Entities allowed to apply to the exemption:

  • Manufacturer of road vehicles
  • Operator of technical testing facility.

List of requirements:

  • Completed application form.
  • Insurance for vehicle.
  • Description of the modifications to the test vehicle (if based on type-approved vehicle).
  • Description of the automated driving function, which is intended to be tested:
    • Operate the vehicle, which was not approved, as a testing vehicle.
    • Use special registration marks installed on the vehicle.
    • Keep a record of every test drive of a road vehicle in the logbook.
    • During testing, use the vehicle with plate with assigned special mark.
    • During testing, necessity to have a certified document talking about details about the special mark.
    • The applicant has in place quality management system.
    • The applicant has a driver training system for test operation.
    • The research and development are part of organizational structure.
    • The applicant has established system for verifying the behaviour of the vehicle as a whole.

List of the required documents:

  • Quality management system is in place.
  • Driver training system for test operation is available.
  • The research and development are part of organizational structure.
  • System for verifying the behavior of the vehicle as a whole is established.

The kind of method which was used by manufacturer is considered as Risk analysis/assessment for testing.

Responsible for the safety validation: Public Authority.

Application fee: 30€.

 Is a test permit issued by another country accepted? Yes, under condition that the vehicle has test permit from other EU state and meets safety requirements and traffic safety.

Conditions for Testing

Vehicle categories: There is no restriction for CCAM testing with regard to vehicle category. Every vehicle before being tested goes through investigation and validation process to ensure it does not present itself as a dangerous object in traffic.

SAE levels: SAE Levels up to 2 are without any special conditions. SAE Levels 3 and 4 can be tested under conditions that are declared by the authority.

ADAS / AD systems: It is allowed to test all ADAS systems on public roads.

Use-Cases: No limitations.

Geographical areas: No limitations.

Permit validity: No limitations.

Other conditions: Ministry can demand another restrictions based on functionality and conditions of operation.

Driver Requirements

Safety driver: Always required inside of the vehicle.

Remote operation with no safety driver inside or in sight of the vehicle: No.

The safety driver is in the vehicle to ensure that the safety of road traffic, the environment or human life or health is not endangered during the test.

Data Requirements

Black box needed: Yes.

Obligation to report to authority during/after CCAM tests: Yes, there is a logbook which is mandatory to fill out about when and by who is testing performed. Then, a log about testing procedures is made but not mandatory reported, although it can be asked by Ministry to deliver.

Test reports availability to the public: No.

Obligation to report to authority in case of accident: No.

Any other supervision / monitoring performed by the authority: No.

National database for storing reports provided: No.

Requirements on data recording:

  • Specific In case of an accident:
    • Activation of the brakes.
  • Continuously:
    • Speed of the vehicle.
  • Performance indicators of the tests:
    • Accident-avoidance systems

Requirements on disclosing data during/after tests: Yes, there is a logbook and testing event record that has information about all planned activities during CCAM testing including weather conditions, vehicle crew and details about tested section.

Data exchange mechanism specified: No.

Test vehicle needs to be connected and / or cooperative during test: No.


Testing facilities on public roads: No.

Testing facilities on private areas:

  • BMW only polygon near Sokolov.
  • Valeo proving grounds in Milovice.

Soon will be finished a facility near to the city Mlada Boleslav (Aurel).


Cross-border CCAM Testing

Under condition that the vehicle has test permit from other EU state and meets safety requirements and traffic safety it can be tested.

The Czech Republic supports cross border CCAM testing. In the document of the Vision of development of the autonomous mobility it is claimed that the Ministry wants to cooperate with other regions or member states in the question of cross border CCAM testing. There is currently running one project focusing on building secure highway corridor. The main goal is to implement CCAM services. It’s projected that public road authority and regulation authority will cooperate with private sector.

There is currently running one project called 5G Corridor Munich-Prague focusing on building secure highway corridor supported by the state-of-the-art 5G technology. The main goal is to implement CCAM services. There is Czech Republic and Germany involved.


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