Search results for : Regulation EU countries


Legislative basis for CCAM testing Legal basis for testing: Ordinance (2017:309) on Trials with Automated Vehicles Contact information:  The Swedish Transport Agency Trial operations involving automated vehicles may only be carried out with permission from the Swedish Transport Agency. Automated vehicles are defined as “vehicles equipped with an automated driving system that independently control […]


Legislative basis for CCAM testing Legal basis for testing: Road Traffic Rules Act, Article 27a (Testing permit procedure). Contact information: There is not a clearly defined first point of contact for CCAM testing.   Application Requirements There is no application form. According to the 10th paragraph of the article 27.a, the manufacturer of an automated […]


Legislative basis for CCAM testing Legal basis for testing: Act nr. 429/2022 on amending some of the laws in the context of CCAM development. Government Regulation on the approval of the CCAM testing and autonomous delivery vehicles. Contact information: Ministry of Transport of the Slovak Republic, State Transport Office. The Act was submitted to regulate […]


Legislative basis for CCAM testing Legal basis for testing: Law supplementing Government Emergency Ordinance no. 195/2002 on traffic on public roads (currently under approval by the Parliament so it is not in effect) Contact information: Romanian Automotive Register (responsible authority issuing the test permit) The legislation aims to: – Create the legal premises for the […]


Legislative basis for CCAM testing Legal basis for testing: Road traffic law (CAVs’ test provisions contained in art. 65k-65n) Contact information: There is not a clearly defined first point of contact for CCAM testing. The law, issued by the Parliament, specifies the rules for testing (authorization required each time, reporting obligation, insurance); formal requirements specified […]


Legislative basis for CCAM testing Legal basis for testing: There is no legal framework for CCAM testing yet in Malta, but there are future legislative regulations planned.


Legislative basis for CCAM testing Legal basis for testing: Arrêté grand-ducal du 23 novembre 1955 (regulating traffic on all public roads). Contact information : Traffic on public roads and roads open to the public is governed by the provisions of this regulation. The provisions of this regulation address the owners, keepers and drivers of […]


Legislative basis for CCAM testing Legal basis for testing: Amendment of the Law on Road Traffic Safety on Autonomous Cars (from January 2018) Description of Conditions and Procedure for Testing of Autonomous Cars and Their Participation in Public Traffic (from January 2018): English versions can be found in the following link. Contact information: There is […]


Legislative basis for CCAM testing Legal basis for testing: Vadlīnijas automatizētu transportlīdzekļu tehnoloģiju testēšanai  – Guidelines for automated vehicles for technology testing. These guidelines are issued to regulate the situation regarding testing of automated vehicles and their technologies, as well as this technology implementation in the market.   Application Requirements There isn’t a defined application […]


Legislative basis for CCAM testing Currently, there is not legal framework for CCAM testing yet in Ireland.


Legislative basis for CCAM testing Legal basis for testing: 5/1990 (IV.12.) és 6/1990 (IV.12.) KöHÉM rendelet. (Pages from 6567 to 6575) Contact information: National Transport Authority.   Application Requirements List of requirements: Completed application form. Insurance for vehicle. Registration of the vehicle. Description of the modifications to the test vehicle (if based on type-approved vehicle). […]


Legislative basis for CCAM testing Legal basis for testing: Law 4784/2021 – Government Gazette Issue/FEK 40/Α/16-3-2021. Ministerial Decision, 393352/2022 – Government Gazette Issue/FEK 6414/Β/15-12-2022 Contact information: Directorate of Transport and Communications of the relevant Regional Unit. Contacts depend on the region of the pilot and trials. It is also the responsible authority issuing the test […]


Legislative basis for CCAM testing Legal basis for testing: Road Traffic Act Vehicle Act. Contact information: Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom) The Road Traffic Act includes all the provisions concerning guidance of people’s behaviour in transport. The purpose is to improve the flow and safety of traffic and create a favourable environment […]


Legislative basis for CCAM testing Legal basis for testing: Not defined. Contact information: Estonian Transport Administration (which is this first point of contact also the responsible authority issuing the test permit). There is no legal framework for CCAM testing yet in Estonia, but there are future legislative regulations planned.   Application Requirements There is not […]


Legislative basis for CCAM testing Legal basis for testing: Denmark regulates the testing of self-driving motor vehicles, by the “Act to amend the Road Traffic Act”. The legislation was recently evaluated. Based on the results of the evaluation the Road Directorate and the Danish Road Traffic Authority made the following recommendations: Simplify the application process […]

Czech Republic

Legislative basis for CCAM testing Contact information: Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic: nábř. L. Svobody 1222, 110 00 Nové Město, Chequia Tel.: +420 225 131 111 Mail: There is not specific regulation for testing automated vehicles. Current legislation in Czech Republic does not distinguish between automated and connected vehicles and vehicles. Current […]


Legislative basis for CCAM testing There is no legal framework for CCAM testing yet in Cyprus, but there is future legislative basis planned.


Legislative basis for CCAM testing A legislation for testing Autonomous vehicles is planned to come into force, but at the moment there is nothing applicable.


Legislative basis for CCAM testing There isn’t an existing regulation for Autonomous Vehicles testing.


Legislative basis for CCAM testing Legal basis for testing: Automatisiertes Fahren Verordnung  (Legally non-binding version in English) Contact information: National Contact Point Automated Mobility at AustriaTech (not the responsible authority for issuing the test permission) phone: +43 1 2633 44 – 16 / +43 1 2633 44 – 46 mail: The Austrian government defines […]


Legislative basis for CCAM testing There is no legal framework for CCAM testing yet in Portugal, but there are future legislative regulations planned. 


Legislative basis for CCAM testing Legal basis for testing: VEH 2022/07 Instruction (Testing permit procedure). Draft Sustainable Mobility Law. Contact information: VEH 2022/07 Instruction: “Subdirección General de Gestión de la Movilidad.”: C/ Josefa Valcárcel, 44, 28027 – Madrid Tel.: 913018279 Fax: 917429116 Draft Sustainable Mobility Law: In accordance with Law of Sustainable Mobility’s Article 65. […]


Legislative basis for CCAM testing Legal basis for testing: Eight Act amending the Road Traffic Act (2017). (For L3 vehicles) Act amending the Road Traffic Act and the Compulsory Insurance Act Road Traffic Act (2021). (For L4 vehicles) Ordinance regulating the operation of motor vehicles with automated and autonomous driving functions and amending road traffic […]


Legislative basis for CCAM testing Legal basis for testing: Ministry Decree 70/2018 Law Decree 76/2020 converted in Law. Contact information: Experimentation under DM70/2018: Ministry of infrastructures and transportation Experimentation under Law Decree 76/2020 The Smart Road Decree of the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport authorizes the testing of autonomous vehicles on the Italian roads […]


Legislative basis for CCAM testing Legal basis for testing: Growth Law 2015-992, Law 2019-486 Decree 2020-1495 Contact information: See Article 3 chapter IV of “Order of 17 April 2018 relating to the experimentation of vehicles with driving delegation on public roads” for further details (safety demonstration and test section). Contacts are:   […]


Legislative basis for CCAM testing Legal basis for testing: The possibility of getting an exemption for testing with automated vehicles is defined in the Art. 59/1. of the Royal Decree of 1 December 1975, which contains general regulations on the police of road traffic and the use of public roads. Contact information: Ministry of Transport: […]


Legislative basis for CCAM testing Legal basis for testing: There is no legal framework for CCAM testing yet in Netherlands, but there are future legislative regulations planned.