Last modified on September 24, 2024

2024 Horizon Europe CCAM Calls: Submission results

2024 Horizon Europe CCAM Calls: Submission results

24 September 2024

Numerous proposals were submitted for the 2024 Horizon Europe CCAM Calls that closed on 5 September 2024. The evaluation phase has now started. The next round of calls will be in 2025. 

Here is a summary of the number of proposals submitted per call:

Topic # CCAM Cluster Topic title Type of action Budget (EUR million) # of projects expected to be funded # of proposals submitted
HORIZON-CL5-2024-D6-01-01 2 Centralised, reliable, cyber-secure & upgradable in-vehicle electronic control architectures for CCAM connected to the cloud-edge continuum RIA 12 2 12
HORIZON-CL5-2024-D6-01-02 3 Scenario-based safety assurance of CCAM and related HMI in a dynamically evolving transport system RIA 14 1 3
HORIZON-CL5-2024-D6-01-03 4 Orchestration of heterogeneous actors in mixed traffic within the CCAM ecosystem IA 12 2 7
HORIZON-CL5-2024-D6-01-04 5 AI for advanced and collective perception and decision making for CCAM applications RIA 10 2 30
HORIZON-CL5-2024-D6-01-05 7 Robust Knowledge and Know-How transfer for Key-Deployment Pathways and implementation of the EU-CEM CSA 4,5 1 1

Source: The original article was published here.