Last modified on July 1, 2024


Legislative basis for CCAM testing

Legal basis for testing:

Contact information:

  • For CCA motor vehicles: Vejdirektoratet (The Danish Road Administration) is the first point of contact regarding applications for tests.
  • For self-driving units: Færdselsstyrelsen (The Danish Road Traffic Authority).

For CCAM motor vehicles: Previously, the legislation did not give the Minister of Transport the opportunity to deviate from the requirement that a motor vehicle must be driven by a natural person who has acquired a driving licence. It was therefore not possible to let the person driving the car handle other tasks in the car. The Ministry of Transport therefore considered that a trial scheme should be established that could form a basis for trials with different types of motor vehicles that should be able to drive at different levels of automatization. The tests could be carried out under different traffic conditions, i.e.  road types, in town and on land, with and without proximity to soft road users, different weather conditions and different times of day gen. Furthermore, the intention of the experimental scheme was to ensure that in connection with experiments with self-driving motor vehicles could not create a punishment-free space where responsible parties cannot be identified.

For self-driving units: The pilot scheme on self-driving units sets up requirements for the use and testing of small, automated vehicles and robots. It is required to obtain an approval for the use self-driving units in a predefined area with limited traffic.

Application Requirements

The link to the application form:

  • For CCAM motor vehicles, only digital applications are accepted.
  • For self-driving units digital and analogue applications are accepted.

The application must contain the following information:

  • Description of the experiment.
  • Party assessment of the test.
  • Description of the organization behind the test.
  • Time limitation.
  • Geographical boundaries.
  • Description of vehicles involved.
  • Plan for collecting and handling data.
  • Plan for Information to other road users.

The application procedure’s document gives an explanation of what the individual requirements contain and what is expected to be included in an application.

  • For CCAM motor vehicles here.
  • For self-driving units here.

Entities allowed to apply to the exemption:

  • For CCAM motor vehicles there is no restriction on who can apply for permission for testing.
  • For self-driving units: Companies, municipalities etc. Private persons are not allowed to apply.

List of requirements:

  • For CCAM motor vehicles:
    • Completed application form.
    • Insurance for vehicle.
    • Registration of the vehicle.
    • Description of the modifications to the test vehicle (if based on type-approved vehicle).
    • Conducted risk assessment/ analysis.
    • Confirmation of / information to road operator.
    • Documentation of successful pre-tests on proving ground.
    • Performing a successful pre-testing phase on public roads with no passengers.
    • All other legislation relating to the trial, or its execution must be complied with.
  • For self-driving units only a completed application form, insurance for the unit and confirmation of / information to road operator.

List of the required documents:

  • For CCAM motor vehicles the application must contain:
    • Description of the experiment
    • Assessor assessment
    • Description of the organization behind the trial
    • Time limitation
    • Geographical boundaries
    • Description of vehicles involved
    • Plan for collecting and handling data
    • Plan for Information to other road user
  • For self-driving units requirements can be found here.

Responsible for the safety validation:

Independent assessor / Technical service (by means of expert reports).

Average handling time for the process:

  • For CCAM Motor vehicles: When a fully and satisfactorily informed application has been received, the processing time will be approx. 4 months depending on, among other things, the course of the political part of the case processing.
  • For self-driving units 1-3 month.

Application fee:

  • For CCAM motor vehicles there is no application fee.
  • For self-driving units there is payment by the hour for the time spent by the authority on the processing of the application (approx. 110€/h).

 Is a test permit issued by another country accepted?  No.

Conditions for Testing

Vehicle categories:

  • Cars
  • Trucks
  • Buses.
  • Shuttles
  • Small urban goods delivery vehicle robots.
  • Other small self-driving units.

SAE levels:

  • For CCAM motor vehicles it is possible to test vehicles on SAE level 1 to 4.
  • For self-driving units it is allowed to test all SAE Levels on public roads.

ADAS / AD systems: No limitations.

Use-Cases: No limitations.

Geographical areas:

  • For CCAM motor vehicles there is no restrictions.
  • For self-driving units: The applicant is required to specify a specific geographical area with limited traffic.

Permit validity:

  • For CCAM motor vehicles the permit has a 2-year limitation.
  • For self-driving units there can be but are not necessarily a limitation.

Other conditions:

  • For CCAM motor vehicles: The individual permits contain a specific description of the conditions under which it is permitted to carry out the test.
  • For self-driving units: You can find information in this document.

Driver Requirements

Safety driver:

  • For CCAM motor vehicles: It is possible to apply for test with a safety driver in the vehicle, with a remote safety driver or no driver.
  • For self-driving units: Not necessary to be inside of the vehicle.

Remote operation with no safety driver inside or in sight of the vehicle:

It is allowed.

Data Requirements

Black box needed:

Not needed.

Obligation to report to authority during/after CCAM tests:

  • For CCAM motor vehicles there is no mandatory reporting.
  • For self-driving units there is. Description can be found here.

Test reports availability to the public:

Not available.

Obligation to report to authority in case of accident:

In the event of a traffic accident, the license holder has the same duty to report the accident to the authorities as with ordinary vehicles. The assessor follows the trial and must be notified of malfunctions during the trial.

National database for storing reports provided:

Not existing.

Requirements on data recording:

A specified description of data required is not available. The National Police asses the requirements according to the individual tests together with the applicant.

Requirements on disclosing data during/after tests:

  • For CCAM motor vehicles: No.
  • For self-driving units: You can find description here.

Data exchange mechanism specified:

Not existing.

Test vehicle needs to be connected and / or cooperative during test:

Not necessary.


Testing facilities on public roads:

Not existing.

Testing facilities on private areas:

Some test facilities have been established. Often in collaboration with universities.

Cross-border CCAM Testing

A permit issued by another country is not accepted.

However, Denmark participated in the European Truck Platooning Challenge 2016 and in the Easyway and NordicWay projects on ITS.

Currently is participating in the MODI project.

Supportive Documents

  • Application form:
    • For CCAM motor vehicles here.
    • For self-driving units here.


  • Application procedure:
    • For CCAM motor vehicles here.
    • For self-driving units here.

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