Last modified on July 1, 2024


Legislative basis for CCAM testing

Legal basis for testing:

The possibility of getting an exemption for testing with automated vehicles is defined in the Art. 59/1. of the Royal Decree of 1 December 1975, which contains general regulations on the police of road traffic and the use of public roads.

Contact information:

Ministry of Transport: (Which is the responsible authority issuing the test permit).

The Belgium government doesn’t define a specific legislation with requirements to obtain a testing permit. The exemption from traffic code introduced by Royal Decree of 18/03/2018 grants the possibility to exempt form the traffic rules for testing automated vehicles. This allows for example, to exempt from the obligation that each vehicle shall have a human driver. There is also a possibility to exempt from the technical rules; this is a competence of the regions.

Application Requirements

There is not a defined application form.

The application procedure is defined in a guidelines’ document for conducting testing of automated vehicles on the road and defines the following requirements:

Entities allowed to apply to the exemption: No limits defined.

List of requirements:

  • Completed application form.
  • Insurance for vehicle.
  • Description of the automated driving function, which is intended to be tested.
  • Conducted risk assessment/analysis.
  • Confirmation of information to road operator.
  • Documentation of successful pre-tests on proving ground.

Application fee: Free.

Conditions for Testing

Vehicle categories: Cars, Trucks, Buses, Shuttles, Small urban goods delivery vehicle robots.

SAE levels: No limitations.

ADAS / AD systems: No limitations.

Use-Cases: No limitations.

Geographical areas: No limitations.


Driver Requirements

Safety driver: Always required.

Remote operation with no safety driver inside or in sight of the vehicle: Allowed.


Data Requirements

Black box needed: Not defined.

Obligation to report to authority during/after CCAM tests: Not defined.

Test reports availability to the public: Not defined.

Obligation to report to authority in case of accident: Not defined.

Any other supervision / monitoring performed by the authority: Not defined.

National database for storing reports provided: Not defined.

Requirements on data recording: Not defined.

Requirements on disclosing data during/after tests: Not defined.

Data exchange mechanism specified: Not defined.

Test vehicle needs to be connected and / or cooperative during test: Not defined.


Testing facilities on public roads: Not defined.     

Testing facilities on private areas: Not defined.

Cross-border CCAM Testing

5G blueprint aims to design and validate technical architecture and business and governance models for uninterrupted cross-border teleoperated transport based on 5G connectivity. The Flemish Ministry of Mobility and Public Works is involved in this project.

Further info:

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