Last modified on February 26, 2024

New EC initiatives for digital infrastructures of tomorrow

New EC initiatives for digital infrastructures of tomorrow

26 February 2024

Fast, secure, and widespread connectivity is essential for the deployment of the technologies that will bring us into tomorrow’s world, including automated driving.

The European Commission has set out a white paper presenting possible actions to attract investments, foster innovation, increase security and resilience of digital infrastructures, with the aim to start a discussion on concrete proposals with stakeholders, Member States and like-minded partners.

The White Paper on “How to master Europe’s digital infrastructure needs?” analyses the challenges Europe currently faces in the rollout of future connectivity networks. EU namely envisages the creation of a “Connected Collaborative Computing” Network (“3C Network”) to set up end-to-end integrated infrastructures and platforms for telco cloud and edge, which could be used to orchestrate the development of innovative technologies and AI applications for various use cases.

Such collaborative approach could be prepared via large-scale pilots and through better synergies between existing initiatives, such as the Important Project of Common European Interest (IPCEI) on Next Generation Cloud Infrastructure and Services, and funding programmes such as the Connecting Europe Facility and Digital Europe.

EC has launched a public consultation on the 12 scenarios set out in the White Paper, which will close on 30 June 2024.

Source: the original press release was published here